Show your support
Consistent with the District of Columbia Comprehensive Plan, the Takoma Station Project will transform an existing underutilized WMATA property into a thriving and exciting transit-oriented, mixed-use, mixed-income development with new housing (including approximately 430 — 440 residential units where none exist today, with at least 15% of the residential gross floor area reserved as affordable housing — with 3% of the affordable units reserved for families making up to 30% MFI) and 15,000-18,000 square feet of retail/service uses where none currently exist. In addition, the Project will create permanent dedicated public open space for members of the surrounding Takoma DC and Takoma Park, MD neighborhoods. Finally, the Project includes reconfiguration and enhancements to the WMATA facilities which are better suited to meet the current and future needs of WMATA’s operation of the Takoma Metro Station. The Project creates a strong, appropriately scaled and fully articulated architectural treatment of all sides of the building with appropriate buffers and set-backs to the surrounding residential uses. In sum, the Project exhibits the appropriateness, character, scale, height, uses, and design.
Community support is critical!
If you want to contribute your voice to support the redevelopment of the Takoma Metro Station into a model of an inclusive, transit-oriented, amenity-rich, mixed-use community, please send your letter of support before June 14, 2023.
Ways to send your support:
Send an email directly to Chairman Anthony Hood
Use the letter-generating tool below to send an email to Zoning Commission
Share this information with family, friends, and neighbors and ask them to add their support.
Your support is greatly appreciated and will be critical to ensuring the approval of this important project.
Use the following to generate a letter of support to send to the District of Columbia Office of Zoning Commission.
Once you click the “review letter” below, it will take you to a new page where you can review the letter before it is sent.
There will be an option to come back to this page and make any edits before you send.
The editable text box below includes some suggested text. Using the box below to personalize the letter into your own words is the most effective way to demonstrate to the Office of Planning why you support the changes.
Suggested customizations: personal details such as where you live, if you’re a Metro rider, if you regularly bike or walk to Metro, if you’re excited about the park amenities, if you’d like to live here after it is built, etc.