Takoma Station Redevelopment

The goal for the Takoma Station redevelopment will transform the existing underutilized WMATA property into a thriving and exciting transit-oriented, mixed-use, mixed-income development with new rental housing of varying levels of affordability, plus vibrant retail and dynamic open spaces. The development will improve pedestrian, bike, and vehicular access to the Takoma Metro Station and will provide a mixed-use community befitting the surrounding Takoma neighborhoods.

Public Benefits

  • The development is committed to bringing much needed affordable housing to the vibrant Takoma neighborhood within walking distance to the Metro station. The multifamily program consists of approximately 430 – 440 residential units, with 15% (approximately 70 units) at affordable rents, of which 3% will be three-bedroom units for families earning 30% of the area median income.

  • The proposed development includes approximately 17,000 square feet of retail which will unity the existing retail corridor that spans Takoma. The retail will not only activate the area adjacent to the Metro, but it will also provide a great amenity to the community.

  • The development will create dedicated 1.8 acres of public open space to serve all including the surrounding neighborhoods. The open space will include a vibrant retail plaza, an active green space with seating and focal features, and a shared-use path for pedestrians and cyclists.

  • The development is committed to sustainability by incorporating the following elements into the project framework.

    1.) The Project anticipates a LEED Gold certification. Solar panels will be provided on the top roof levels and green roof areas will be provided on lower roofs. The Project removes a large surface parking lot and provides right-sized, enclosed parking and new development immediately adjacent to Metrorail and Metrobus facilities, reducing dependency on auto uses for residents, employees, and visitors to the Project.

    2.) The project seeks to preserve many existing trees onsite including four heritage trees and 11 special trees. There will be roughly 42 new trees planted as part of the new development to improve the condition of many existing trees that are in poor or dead condition.

    3.) The project improves the existing conditions onsite by meeting the DOEE Green Area Ratio (GAR) and DOEE SWM Requirements by installing green roofs and bio-retention facilities onsite.

  • The development will reconfigure the existing WMATA facilities to better meet the current and future needs of WMATA’s operation of the Takoma Metro Station. The development will relocate the bus stops closer to the Metro station entrance and further away from nearby residences. Additionally, the development improves pedestrian safety and experience by creating well defined pedestrian crossings throughout the site, adding a traffic signal at the Metro station entrance, incorporating accessible paths, and providing a shared-use path around the site for pedestrians and cyclists to easily navigate.

  • A shared use path will run through the site, and improved crosswalks and a new traffic signal will improve safety for pedestrians, bicyclists, and drivers. Retail and residential loading are moved off the public street, reducing congestion.